Source code for eppy3000.installlocation

# Copyright (c) 2021 Santosh Philip
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"""functions to find the installation folder of a Energyplus version"""

import platform

[docs]def version2folder(version): """foldername from version""" verlst = version.split(".") while len(verlst) < 3: verlst.append("0") return "-".join(verlst)
[docs]def installfolder(version, platform_system=None): """return the install folder of this EnergyPlus version""" if not platform_system: platform_system = platform.system() if platform_system == "Windows": pathstart = "C:/EnergyPlusV" elif platform_system == "Linux": pathstart = "/usr/local/EnergyPlus-" else: pathstart = "/Applications/EnergyPlus-" return f"{pathstart}{version2folder(version)}"
[docs]def schemapath(version, platform_system=None): """return the schema path for the Energyplus version""" installfolderpath = installfolder(version, platform_system) return f"{installfolderpath}/Energy+.schema.epJSON"