
  • The code bas has not yet reached critical mass.

  • It is too early to accept any code contributions.

In any case, the process for making contibutions will be the following:

Collective Code Construction Contract

Steps for making updates to the software, based on C4 document above:

  • User:
    • Opens an issue in issue tracker, describing problem (called issue #n)

  • Contributer:
    • forks the repository

    • makes changes

    • commits with appropriate commit following message

      fixed issue #n (*on first line*)
      Problem: describe Problem
      Solution: describe Solution
    • Make a pull request

  • Maintianer:
    • Merge pull request into master

  • User:
    • Closes issue #n in issue tracker

After the merge, The Contributer may want to take the following steps:

  • Contributer: pull the changes from pyenergyplus/eppy3000 Maintainer has completed the merge
    • This has to be done in the command line

      git pull --rebase upstream master
    • To do the above you need a remote called upstream. You can set this up by the following line in the command line

      git remote add upstream
      # this needs to be done only once